Welcome to The OnnieGround

The OnnieGround tells the ongoing and fascinating story of Onnie Xavier Granados (aka The Great And Powerful Oz, Big-O, On-Man, Hey You), his life, adventures, encounters, musings, and other assorted bric-a-brac since his arrival on the planet in the early 1960's, and is updated regularly or whenever I feel like it.

Its Permanent displays and special exhibitions explore the impact of his life on the growth of the world and the lives of everyone he's met over the past 38 or so years. Words, pictures, links, multimedia presentations, guided tours, actors and our Learning Centre brings the story of his fascinating existence to life.

In the Permanent displays, many articles provide information about his various exploits, including stories written in grammatically tolerable English, and maybe even some day in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Farsi, Mandarin, Finnish, and Swahili.  You can follow his journeys from a hardscrabble childhood in the slums of LA to his brilliantly conceived and highly successful  expedition to IKEA in 1998, as well as points beyond.  You can even stamp a souvenir ticket as you follow the trail, assuming you have a souvenir ticket book or notepad or something like that and a stamp or two.  I suppose you could take notes on a napkin but that might be a little tacky, don't you think?

Our exhibitions regularly include items from his stunning collection of pictures, books, and toys, some of which are available at your better thrift stores and garage sales. Exhibitions also offer complementary family fun activities and a talks and events programme.

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